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70th Anniversary of Amami’s Return to Japan

70th Anniversary of Amami’s Return to Japan

A Christmas like no other, December 25, 2023, marked the 70th anniversary of the Amami Islands' release from U.S. occupation after World War II. Islands across the entire archipelago held events to celebrate this important day.

Some of the highlight events held in Naze, Amami City were a ceremony at Takachiho Shrine, a parade of lanterns, and a firework display. Songs, poems, and speeches about the history ingrained into the soil and people of Amami touched the hearts of all who heard them.

Although celebrations have ended, a traveling exhibition on rare photos from 1951-52 taken by Douglas G. Haring can be viewed at the AmaHome Plaza until 12/28 and in Tatsugo Town from 1/4-1/16. Please see the following website for dates and locations:

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