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Weeding Out Invasive Plants

Weeding Out Invasive Plants

On Saturday, October 22nd, the Amami Oshima Eco-tour Guide Liaison Council led a non-native plant extermination operation in Tatsugo Town. This year the focus was on weeding two non-native invasive species: Canada goldenrod and Bay Biscayne creeping-oxeye.

Approximately 90 volunteers gathered in the morning and were divided up into groups led by eco-tour guides. They were then dropped off at certain areas along the road from Toguchi Village to Kashiken Pass to pick and bag the invasive plants.

Due to the hard work of the volunteers and guides the operation was finished before an hour had even passed. By the end, they gathered 60 bags, approximately 880 pounds, worth of invasive plants. While the weather wasn’t perfect, the cloudy skies that brought a sporadic drizzle of rain had the effect of keeping the workers cool. The volunteers’ hard work truly showcased the dedication people of Amami Oshima have for protecting their home and its nature.

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